Topical Issues in the Nuclear Waste Management and Safety Program
10th European Review Meeting on Severe Accidents Research (ERMSAR)
From May 16 to 19, 2022, scientists from 21 countries met in Karlsruhe at the 10th European Review Meeting on Severe Accidents Research (ERMSAR). The approximately 120 participants of the conference, which was hosted by KIT for the second time, presented and discussed current research results on severe accidents in nuclear power plants and possible preventive measures. One plenary session was specifically dedicated to the topic 'Fukushima: 10 (+1) years after'. For the first time, the IAEA and OECD/NEA were involved in the organization of the conference, in addition to the European research platforms NUGENIA and SNETP and their member institutions. On the last day of the conference, the participants visited the experimental facilities on severe accident research at KIT Campus North, which are embedded in the Programme Nuclear Waste Management, Safety and Radiation Research (NUSAFE). The feedback on the event organized by a team led by Dr. Fabrizio Gabrielli, INR, was consistently positive.
News to new cluster „Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen“
The Frédéric Joliot / Otto Hahn Summer School
on Nuclear Reactors, Physics, Fuels and Systems
Methan Cracking